If you own a small business you have enough work on your plate keeping it up and running and looking after your customers. You want to make sure you claim all the expenses you’re entitled to and you don’t want to pay any more tax than you have to, but the last thing you want is hassles with the ATO – and the ATO is getting more and more aggressive with debt collection and auditing.
Do you want an accountant that:
- Speaks plan English, not jargon
- Understands the pressures a small business faces these days
- Helps you claim all the legal allowances you can
- Makes sure you don’t miss any ATO and ASIC deadlines and avoid fines
- Keeps the ATO off your back
- Will work on your behalf if the ATO does target you in one of its industry sweeps
- Can help your business grow
- Is always available when you need them
- You will get to know you personally and can call any time for advice or assistance
- Does the work themselves and doesn’t ship it off overseas
- All accountants are fully qualified Chartered Accountants
You want to know that you can speak to the accountant who’s looking after you at any time and you can meet them face to face to discuss things whenever you like. You certainly don’t want them shipping your work offshore to minimally qualified number crunchers who don’t see you as a person and who don’t understand your business.
You want to be able to use whatever accounting software you’re comfortable with rather than having to use a strange system to suit your accountant – and you want to know the person who’s helping you look after your precious finances is trustworthy and has the best possible qualifications.
Specialising in helping small business owners
Duselis and Co specialises in helping small business owners. We understand the pressures you face and we know how to save you time and money.
We’re based in Castle Hill and we service clients all over Sydney, but particularly in the Hills District and the west. All our work is performed in Castle Hill and the senior accountant who looks after your work is always available to help you and answer your questions. We look after you personally, we don’t just flick you off to some junior somewhere.
We make sure you receive all your documents like your BAS in plenty of time and we make sure you don’t miss important deadlines.
We help you keep off the ATO’s radar and if they do target you we intercede on your behalf.
And we’re Chartered Accountants – that’s the highest qualification you can get in accounting in Australia, sort of like a professor in medicine.
If you want a 100% Australian accounting firm that understands your business, that speaks plain English, that helps you to succeed and that takes the pain of accounting off your back, with people you can get to know personally and trust – call us now on 02 9680 4766 for more information.